Saturday, September 6, 2008

6 September

i really want to bring something special and wonderful back to the states with me. a great jacket or a fantastic pair of boots will do just fine except even the thrift stores here are out of this world expensive.these were 125 euro!!! that's about $178!! for used boot!!! however fantastically awesome they are, even though i covet them all day and night i cannot bring myself to do it.

yesterday's lunch was taken next to a Hell's Angels clubhouse. the guy we had dinner with later that night, Chris, his brother is a Hell's Angel and both of them live in the clubhouse. Chriss an old west german punk rocker. He was 21 when the wall came down and told me some pretty funny stories about the east german punk rockers. Did you know that rammstein used to be an east german punk rock band called Feeling_b?? Anyhow, Feeling_b released the one and only official punk album on the state run record label Amiga. word. way to go flame wielding germans!!!

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